I want to extend a big congrats to all of the Prim artists who have their work featured in this premier issue. I am happy and honored to be amongst then all, and more importantly, absolutely thrilled for each and every one!

The photo above is not from the actual Prims magazine, but rather the ad for Prims, in another of Stampington's publications called "Somerset".
My friend Mo (wings and paws)spotted it while browsing through, and was so excited to see her fellow TDIPT sisters (Tink and myself) work in the ad, that she took a pic of it and was thoughtful enough to bring it to our attention in our TDIPT group. I don't know who was more excited....her or us! Thank you Mo, you have such a truly giving spirit, and you are always so happy to spread the good news for others!
Along w/ my "Go Fly a Kite Rabbit", that's Michelle Sylvia's beautiful Doll, and Pam Gracia's darling bunny you see pictured. On the opposite page are Colleen Moody's lovely dolls. Congrats to all of you gals! I am honored :)
Now, in the actual spread in Prims, I am so happy to be in a feature called "Hopping Down the Bunny Trail".
My Rabbit is featured along side my friend Lorraine Gerber's sweet Folk art Rabbit as well as Pam Gracia's Miss Bonnie Bonet (pictured above).
Again, all I can say is I am truly honored, and excited for these two gals as well as for all the gals who are in the mag. There are some beautful features, and some of my friends are even featured more than once! How bout that???
I'm not gonna mention names, as there are so many and I wouldn't want to risk someone feeling bad by leaving them out. So, instead I'm raising my glass to all of you!
If you want to see all of the wonderful work and read the stories for yourself....you're gonna have to be sure to get this magazine.
I hope you don't think I'm being ridiculous to be so excited, as for some this may be "old hat" as they have had their work featured in mags before, but this is a 1st for me, and I am as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning! Please know I am truly honored and as excited for all the gals as I am for myself!
Let me just say a great big THANK YOU to a very dear friend of mine. Had it not been for her, I never would have gotten my piece submitted. She pushed and she prodded just enough, and when it came right down to it, I could not bear to let her down and disappoint her, so I finished the piece I had been dragging my feet on and I sent it in. I never expected to hear back from the magazine with good news.
Thank you dear friend, for believing in me. You know who you are. You were the wind beneath my wings :)
As always...thanks for visiting!