Did you have to steal our hearts?

Still not sure where this over the top sweet girl came from, but I do have my suspicions as to why she was running loose.
We live just outside Detroit in the home that was my grandparents as far back as I can remember, and while this area was once a nice modest community, sadly it has gone way down hill, and it's a matter of time before we're gonna need to get out. I have so many fond warm and fuzzy childhood memories in this house. I've not wanted to leave it, but yes the time is coming.
Anyway, it never surprises me to see a stray or unwanted dog running through our neighborhood. We've got an overabundance of strays in this area, and it seems people struggle to take care of their children, let alone a pet. Each time one of these strays has crossed my path..... no on wants them, cares about them, or is looking for them.
Such seems to be the case w/ this sweet little girl we've named Lilly.
When I first spotted her wandering I thought surely this time it would be different, surely this petite pup was different from all the rest, and she had gotten out of someone's yard, and an owner would be franticly looking for her. I mean just look at her! They don't come any cuter, and personality wise, she wins the Blue Ribbon! But NOPE, no one is looking for her, and I think it was no accident that she was running loose. I think someone put her out purposely b/c they couldn't potty train her.
We've had her for over a week, but I knew immediatley that she has some serious potty training issues, and I think someone has been very mean to her when she goes inside. Some people are so ignorant, and haven't the first clue as to how to potty train a dog! Whoever had her went about it all wrong, and this poor girl was so confused as to what was expected of her.
I am happy to say she is learning that we prefer for her to do her business "outside", and w/ a little help from our other 4 legged girls, and w/ plenty of praise.....she seems to be catching on to this idea, and is coming around nicely.
She keeps us laughing as she is a clown!
My intention is not to keep her. My intention is to find her a good home. It's not that I wouldn't love to have her, as she gets along beautifully w/ the other dogs, and everyone here adores her, even Stevie who usually could care less about the dogs. Lilly has stole his heart too.
BUT......I would like to find a good home for her. We have enough, and if we are overloaded, then the next time opportunity presents itself, I may not be able to help out, so that is why it may be best for Lilly to be placed in a good home, other than here. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture.
We'll see, as like I said.....she has stolen all of our hearts, and she makes herself right at home here, as if she's known us forever.
I'm still on the fence, and as hard as it will be, if a great person came forward willing to provide this girl w/ the home she deserves, I would suck it up and let her go, but I'll tell you, make no mistake, it will not be an easy thing to do.
In the meantime.....we will enjoy her and continue to work with her so that if someone meant for her comes along, she will make a wonderful companion for them, w/ no bad habits or issues that would make them want to give this loving girl up.
What will be will be....if she's meant to stay, she will.
I will keep you posted on the adventures of our Silly Lilly :)