I hope everyone is off to a great start for 2012!!! I am, and it is b/c I am pushing myself and I have set strong goals for myself this year.
This is the year of change via productivity! I won't be spending as much time on my blog nor online living my life out in public. It's far too time consuming and not effective for real life. It's time taken away from working, and attending to what really needs to be done here at home.
2011 was spent by me just muddling through. I was empty and sad, as so much has happened, and these changes were difficult and painful to accept, but I did discover that it was the acceptance of these changes that has brought forth some sort of healing for me. Strange isn't it?
It's like a key piece to the puzzle of life was given to me. The unwillingness or inability to accept the changes kept me like a deer in headlights, emotionally paralyzed and unable to really function effectively. Because of this I feel that people who were once a part of my life seemed to have disappeared, they had no idea what I was really going through, and some still have no idea, and that is OK....b/c the ones who have no interest in knowing are the ones who really needed to disappear. They are not true friends to begin with. The fair weathered ones, aka the takers ;)
I'm letting go of the hurt that it caused me.....it's about them not me, never was.
Some have their own personal issues that consumed them, and for them I am sorry I was too busy with mine to know. I'm sorry that some couldn't see that. I value the ones who are true and not in the friendship for what they can get out of it, and I hold them close in my heart.
I'm letting go of the hurt that it caused me.....it's about them not me, never was.
Some have their own personal issues that consumed them, and for them I am sorry I was too busy with mine to know. I'm sorry that some couldn't see that. I value the ones who are true and not in the friendship for what they can get out of it, and I hold them close in my heart.
For me 2012, is about me, and that is what I am focusing on, then I am better able to be a good friend to those who are truly interested in a friendship that is real. I am going to be a better person in 2012, and I am aiming high to find happiness...true unadulterated happiness, and it begins with me and my acceptance of the things I cannot change.

I wish a peaceful, prosperous year for all!