I don't mean to be so boring w/ regard to my posting lately. I just don't have much of anything going on right now that is worthy of sharing w/out the risk of boring someone to death!, However, i guess I'll mention that I'm so very busy w/ making the final preparations for Stevie's Graduataion party, it's just phone calls to order tables, cake and food, cleaning cleaning and more cleaning, and also getting the yard ready for the party. Sorting out old pictures for the Memory board...and that has been fun, and also it has me asking, "where did the time go" once again. Seems like I'm asking that a lot lately.
Anyway...we're having an Open House yard party, w/ a Mexican Buffet, complete w/ Guacamole, Pico de Gallo, Chips and Salsa for appetizers, then a Taco bar.....and what Mexican Fiesta would be complete w/out Margaritas?
So...that's what has been taking up all of my time lately, but I did manage to get this gal made. She coordinates w/ the boy bunny I made a few weeks back.
I'm also working on a creation for TDIPT mercantile where
we are celebrating Christmas in July, so be sure to check it out on the night of the 14th, which is also my son's 18th Birthday.
I'm tired just thinking about having to squeeze in a celebration so close to the other party, but gee whiz....18, that is such a special birthday! My son will get to vote for the very first time in a Presidential election. Wow...it's hard for me to imagine my baby boy pullin that lever!
Well, I guess I did have something to talk about after all....and I hope I didn't put y'all to sleep w/ my rambling.
Also...my daughter and I are gonna sneak away for an overnight mini road trip this Friday. It's going to be fun, and it is one of my very fav places to visit here in Michigan! I'm so excited, and it was just a last minute thought, and we were able to get a room in the hotel right near the event. I'll give you a hint.....it involves racing, not cars or motorcycles, but sailboats, and it is an annual event. They have one in Chicago too, but that was last week. You can google it if you really have to know what it is right now. Here are the keywords you'll need. Port Huron Race Mackinac.
I will be sure to post some pics when I get back.
Thanks for letting me babble.....and also for allowing me to share my newest creation.