Today, my Nelly Girl (we call her Nunny or Nuh Nuh) turns 8! I think that's 56 in dog years! No wonder she's so grouchy.
No worries Big Nel.....you're not getting older, you're getting better!

She refuses to smile or don a party hat for her special day, and this is nothing new, this has been the case since her very first birthday back in 2001.
Well, I guess every party needs a pooper, thats why we invited her!
I could hardly get her to look at the camera this morning for a birthday pic. In fact, I couldn't, she just laid there quite aloof, ignoring me and yawning. She's so board w/ me :)

I love my Nelly, she is the oldest of my 3 dogs. She came to us at only a week old. Her eyes were not even all the way open. Her Mommy had been hit by a car, they think. Anyway, she was found in a field full of mosquitos. Some of our friends and neighbors each took a puppy. I took my Nelly to the Vet right away, and he said she was one week old, and we had to bottle feed her round the clock w/ a special puppy formula. We would wrap her in a blanky, and hold her like a baby and feed her w/ the bottle! we even burped her.....hehe!
I'm so glad I chose Nel. You couldn't ask for a better dog. She is like Lassie, so intuitive. She's a bit of a Nervous Nelly at times though, and is terrified of thunder storms!
She's gonna be one pampered pooch today, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a long day!