Our TDIPT Group had another one of it's outstanding swaps. This time around we decided to try to keep it simple.....and make a modest handmade for our partner. We had a monetary limit to purchase things that they may like.
I was fortunate enough to have Susan Burd of County Crocks for my partner, and as you can see.......the swap goodies I received from her were anything but modest. Just look at the treasure- trove of gifts....all wrapped so primtastically.

Susan hand painted this wonderful candle box for me to hold my sewing notions. She even made a pinkeep on top. She knows how much I love Americana/Patriotic, and I could never have designed or asked for anything more perfect to my taste! I absolutely love it!
She also sent me the prim heavy cotton Amercian flag , that you see in the background. It's just the perfect size too.

Along w/ the wonderful Americana box, she gave me a painted gourd basket w/ handle, with painted gourd eggs inside. I LOVE it too!

As if that wasn't already more than enough, she sent a beautiful larger size hog scraper, some wax ducklings, a set of her beautiful note cards that she designed herself, and a yummy smelling candle in a Clove Pomander scent. Mmm Mmm Good!
She also sent me some yummy fabric, which I have already used for my Americana Abbey!

2 bars of goatsmilk soap

..... and last but not least some yummy edibles!
She knows I love black licorice, and she also sent me some of the infamous Wilbers Dark Chocolate from her area of PA!
Thank you dear Susan for making me feel like a Queen for a day! I am so happy to have this gorgeous box, designed and painted by you just for me. I will cherish it always!
By the rare chance that you may not already be familiar with Susan's wonderful handpainted designs....please check out her website, you'll be glad you did.