Today on this Thanksgiving, the day we all count our blessings and give thanks for what we have, we will do that, but here we will also mourn for the one missing.......the empty seat.
Everyone has their traditions, and around here on Thanksgiving it is our custom that when we sit down to eat our Thanksgiving meal, we go around the table, each of us speaking from our hearts of what we are particularly thankful for. Zoey usually likes to go first. We each mention the little blessings bestowed upon us that year, and we all give special thanks that there are no empty seats at our table, as we knew there easily could be, and we always knew many families were missing loved ones. We never took it for granted. We also would all get choked up when talking about being grateful, as again we knew that eventually there would be the dreaded empty seat, as my mom was getting up in age, and already on borrowed time w/ her kidney transplant. No one had to say it, but we all knew who we were most thankful for being there.
This year will be so different, this year we have "the empty seat"......the one we all knew in our heart of hearts would be the first. My Mother's seat will be empty. It's all so new, and still so raw, and our hearts are still hurting so badly. I'm sure there will be many tears at our table today. We lost her just one month ago after a lengthy stay in the hospital.
My Mom was a beautiful woman, who I can honestly say was never ever was in a bad mood, ever! She was always so perky, and she had not one enemy. Everyone loved her, and she had such a way of making everyone feel so special. Her presense was like sunshine, and today, this first holiday without her will seem so dull and the void will be huge without her. I know she wouldn't want us to be sad.
It is still hard to believe our Matriarch is gone.

We miss you dearest lady. There is no one like you. With your kind, gentle, generous and ever caring spirit, you made this world a better place, and you are sorely missed.
We will miss your beautiful smiling face today.
On this Thanksgiving day......we must be thankful, that God let us have you for so long and gave us a chance to say goodbye to you.
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, and thinking of those with the Empty seats.