Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

It's been so hot here in Michigan. Zoey and Cooper have been spending plenty of time keeping cool in the pool.

Zoey is like a fish, and she has always loved the water, and it's looking like Cooper does too :)

I hope you're enjoying your summer as well.


Carol Roll said...

Look at the joy in those faces! Zoey and Coop are dolls!

Barefoot Primitives said...

It's blazing hot here too - nothing better than jumping in a pool or even running through a sprinkler to help cool down! Have a blessed summer! They're real cuties! :o)

Catty Wampus said...

I love your beautiful prims; do you sell patterns or just the finished piece of art? I would love to carry your patterns in my shop if you do. Hi from CW/Catty; aka Merrie

Dogpatch Primitives said...

awww, thanks so much Carol!

Hi Debbie, how have you been?

hi Merrie...no, I'm sorry, I don't sell patterns.