goes, first things first, I'll start w/ this.
I was tagged by dear sweet Angie of Love the Prim Look for the
"How did you get your name game"
I have to tell how I got my business name.
Well......I know it's gonna come as a surprise to some, but I got my name b/c I love DOGS!
I really wanted a name that reflected who I am and what I love most. I had the hardest time to come up w/ something that I was happy with. There's nothing prim about Dogs...but again, I just had to have my name reflect my love for dogs, as it is the very essence of who I am! I thought, I took a trip down Memory Lane, and remembered when I was a little girl, we used to go on vacation to Miami Beach every summer. On our way down one time.....we stopped at a Tourest Trap (as my dad so fondly called them), it was way off the beaten path, and back in the hills of Georgia (I think), and it was called simply "Dogpatch". There was a little old lady (thinking back she resembled Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies), and there was a carousel, and many handmade quilts hanging on a line for sale. As young as I was, I remember loving those things, each one different from the other.
Boy...what I wouldn't give to get my hands on one of those beauts now!
So, there you have it...that's how I got my name :)

Visit Dogs Deserve Better to order your copy of this poignant print titled "Faithful Friend" which depicts a sweet little girl who's sat down to befriend and offer some companionship to a lonely tethered dog. Yes, even a child knows better.
Please remember.....Kindness Matters! it's my turn to pick 5 more people to tell the story of Their Name. It's not going to be easy to find someone who's not already been tagged and told.....but I will give these friends a shot.
1) Debbie of Simple country blessings
2) Justine of Little Ol Me
3) Susan of Prim and Proper Folks
4) Sweet Jamie of Peach Street Primitives
5) Paula of Hidden in the Attic