I love my primitves, but I'll tell ya, I'm not lookin at this piece w/ nearly as much admiration as I once did! In fact, I'm downright scared of it now!
With October soon approaching, I've been doing a bit of Fall decorating, and was eager to get my corn cobs onto this primitive cob dryer for a nice colorful Autumn display.
The dryer is made of heavy iron, and is a bit rusty, but in overall great sturdy shape. The ends of the prongs are sharp like an arrow in order for a fresh ear of corn to positioned on each one and hung to dry. You do have to work at it though, and getting those suckers on there isn't an easy task, especially when your corn is Indian Corn, and already dried, as mine was.
I got a few ears in place, when I was working w/ that one there pictured below. I was pushing and screwing and really working hard to get this one on, and it was particularly difficult, and I wasn't making much headway when all of a sudden, a piece of the cob broke off, and the tip of the sharp metal (and rusty) prong plunged right into the palm of my hand!

At first I felt nothing, then all of a sudden BURN like fire! It is a pretty nasty puncture wound. I realized a bit later that I couldn't recall when I had my last Tetanus shot, so off to the clinic I went.
Needless to say, there it sets, half empty, still needing some cobs added to it, but I'm not feeling the need to today. I'm gonna take a big step back, and give it a couple of days for me to get over the fear......lol! I think I'll get out the trusty drill and pre-drill the holes in those cobs!
The good news? It's my right hand, and I'm a lefty!
Anyway.....if you've one of these neat prim contraptions.....