I wanted so badly to pay tribute to my late Grandmother last Friday for her birthday, but I was under the weather, and then playing catch up w/ sewing. I know she won't mind me being a little late.
Yep, Halloween was my Mim's Birthday, but if she was a witch, she was the Good Witch of the East! We always had a party for her every Halloween, and it was always so much fun to celebrate w/ her! We called her Mim, which is French for Grandma. She was the best Grandma ever, and I do mean ever! Warm, loving, and caring, like all Grandmothers should be.
As a child I spent my weekends and summers at her house, along w/ my cousin who was the same age. I lived for Fridays! I have so many fond memories. She taught us how to sew, and when we were real little she would order little crafts through the mail, and we would always look forward to coming to her house to create whatever she had gotten for us. She enjoyed it as much as we did, and she was so very patient w/ us. She made everything fun!
She used to can everything from pickles to peaches to mincemeat, and it was nothing like they sell in the grocery store! Mmm, I can still remember the smell.
She loved to reminisce about the old times, and we loved hearing her stories.
Christmas was always spent at Mim and Pip's house, and I just cannot tell you how magical they were. She loved to decorate her house, and it looked like a Christmas Wonderland, w/ those old Putz houses, and twinkling lights, and tinsel, and the blanket of snow on the mantel, oh she had so many decorations, I sure wish I had them now. She bought a Santa suit and stuffed it full and dressed up for us kids. She would make her voice real deep, and I can still hear her say "Ho ho ho!" she was such a kid at heart! She loved RED, and there was plenty of it in her home too. Oh, what I wouldn't give for another Christmas Eve spent w/ her when we were little and she was in good health, when things were so simple, or so they seemed to us.
She lived a good long life to the ripe old age of 85.
She always told me that I looked like her when she was little, and now when people see pics of her, they comment on the resemblance.
She always told me that I looked like her when she was little, and now when people see pics of her, they comment on the resemblance.
Here she is on her Wedding Day in 1928, that's my Pip on the left.
And here she is holding my Mother in 1930

Lovely...inside and out! I love you Mim, and I miss you every day.
Your " Mim" sounds like such a wonderful grandmother! The memeories of your Christmas's with her make me long to go back to those simpler times when Christmas was so magical! Memories are so priceless!
Oh Patty....I've been waiting to see your post about Mim, and she sounds so much like my Mamaw...
I could almost invision her Christmas decorations, as it sounds so much like what I got to enjoy at my Mamaw's house.
She was a beautiful lady! Pip was a handsome dude too!
Thanks for sharing that with us
Patty, what a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady! I loved reading your memories of Christmas at your Mim's house, it made me recall Christmas with my grandparent's which were just as special to me.
Thank you for bringing back a simpler, more magical time.
I bet you not only look like your Mim but have the same heart ! She was a lovely lady.~~Pam
It sounds like your grandma was a lovely lady. What a nice tribute to your Mim. The pictures are wonderful.
thank you ladies...yes, there is just nothing like our warm fuzzy memories is there? I hope I never lose mine!
Oh Patty, what a wonderful tribute to your Mim! She sounds like a lady who loved her family deeply and saw the best in everyone! What a treasure for you to have in your heart for your own family! Thank you so much for sharing...Hugs-Susan
p.s. Your Mim and Pip were lookers! Ha Cha Cha!!!
Your Mim is so beautiful ... I know you miss her so much, just like I miss my Nan, but one day I am confident we will reunite ♥
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