Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Finally HELP & HOPE for the Voiceless
I truly am busier than I have ever been in my life. I am busy making a difference, and being productive, as I said I would be at the beginning of this year. I just had no idea THIS is what I would be busying myself with.
This emaciated baby sat behind the brick walls and steal door of the pound in my city. Picked up from a home that called her mean. MEAN? This girl could barely lift her head by the time we got to her, and as you will see as you read, she is anything but mean.
For so long now (I'm talking years) I have wanted to get help for the animals in the God forsaken pound where I live. YEP, I wanted help, and I wanted SOMEONE to do SOMETHING, b/c like so many it's just too painful to see the images of sick animals or suffering, and we all want help for them, but we also tend to want to look away and hope someone will do something. After all, this pain interferes w/ out lives, right? This was ME. Yes, I was THAT person who wanted help for these animals, but never saw myself as being the person who would be the one to step up. After all it is VERY painful for me, and I have nightmares about this place, but if I look away, then these images become the symbol of their fate. If I have opportunity to make a difference, how can I look away, w/ the excuse that it is too painful? I have to press on, and work through the pain and have HOPE that eventually, the change that is needed HERE will happen.
The Animal Control Officer in this town has been on the job for over 20 yrs now, and he is a one man show, and no one questions anything there, including conditions, or what is done w/ the animals. I know...SCARY, right?
These images are of a sweet little emaciated dog that we have named Sissy. She sat alone in this dungeon, and she would have died there, but this was not to be HER fate, thanks to opportunity, and acting upon it.
Sissy in the arms of the angel from the rescue who agreed to come and pick her up
This is what sissy looked over bones. How could her owners say she was mean? how could the cold hearted ACO stick her in a cold damp kennel, and say to me "This one is mean"?
Here is Sissy now. Getting the love she has never known, thanks to the wonderful ladies from the rescue who took this angel. they will have her fattened up in no time and in a loving home.
Today, I am grateful for opportunity, not only to help these castaways myself, but for the help I get from others, b/c I could not do it without them. It takes rescues, and money for these animals to be seen by a Vet, and foster homes to house them until they can be adopted. It takes a village, and I a happy to be a part of it.
We truly can make a difference.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Walking through the Fire
Some of you know that I have been wanting to address the situation in my local city's Animal Control Facility. I prefer to call it "The Hell Hole" or "The Dungeon". I'm sure after seeing these "before " pics you will understand why. To think of walking in there was like preparing to walk through fire.....seriously, I am that scared of what I might see. To witness suffering firsthand and not be able to do something about it is too scary for me. Thank god for the wonderful rescues who heard my pleas for these 2.
I mustered up the strength to go down to the dungeon b/c I had to help a pregnant mama pittie who had been taken from an abandoned house that I was notified about. The animal control officer agreed to give her to me so that I could find a rescue for her. While I was there picking her up (he brought her outside to me) I asked him what was inside. I asked my friend to please go in and take pics of the animals in there so that I could find a rescue for them.
I would be lying if I said I was anything other than horrified by what I saw.
It took every ounce of courage I have in my body but I walked in there, YES I DID! And...I walked out w/ these 2 dogs. Well, I walked out w/ the little one, and contacted rescue for the other one and they came and got her. You can see she had a terrible wound on her tail (pictured above) , and needed medical attention stat!
If you think you cannot make a difference...think again. You can.
Here is Harper in the dungeon. You can see she has a terrible wound on her tail. She was TERRIFIED of the ACO. Of course I am wondering how she got that injury.
Here is Harper after getting out. It took quite sometime to gain trust and get her into the car. She is a sweet dog, but very terrified of men. Clearly she was abused,
She had to have her tail amputated yesterday.
This is LambChop
This is the pitiful sight I saw when I walked into the dungeon.
This dog was paralyzed w/ fear and would not move. She wanted to bite the other lady b/c she was so scared. I had to sit there and talk sweet to her to try to gain her trust. Eventually I was able to reach out and touch her so she would know I wasn't gonna hurt her. I got the leash around her neck, and tugged slightly, but she still wouldn;t move. After about 10 minutes she took her first step, and out of the dungeon we went. She squatted down and urinated on the grass for what seemed like forever.
She looked like she came from a puppy mill. I wrapped her in a blanket and off we went.
Here is Lamb Chop after her second of several grooming sessions. She had layers of matting and some of the fur seemed to be felted to her skin.
The Vet thinks she is about 12 yrs old, and she has a tumor on her belly.
She is now warm and comfy and feeling loved in her foster home. Can you believe the difference?
If you would like to help the rescue that saved these 2 dogs and has made such a difference please consider donating to them so that they can continue to help dogs in need such as Lamb Chop and Harper.
Last Day Dog Rescue
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Gift
I truly thought the gift was for him.....
This is Troy, a 10 yr old black Lab/Retriever mix found wandering the streets of a suburb of Detroit. He ended up at a local pound where I had been walking the dogs.
I don't know who could throw him away, he is so beautiful and gentle. He also has cancer, in the form of a relentless tumor on his jaw that is growing by the day. I will never understand how he ended up at the pound.
I adopted Troy on August 21, and my life has not been the same. I only adopted him to keep him from being put down by the men in uniforms. I wanted better for this boy. I only intended to take him to my vet for humane euthanasia.
It wasn't so simple.
I ended up bringing him home w/ me for hospice care. The oncologist said it is melanoma. His days are very numbered and the time to take him for his journey to The Rainbow Bridge is drawing near as the monster is on a mission. The cancerous tissue that was once contained to one one side, is now appearing on the other side of his gums.

I now realize the gift is mine to embrace.
Thank you Troy for giving me the honor of spending your last days w you.
Troy has his own Facebook page. Follow along on the journey of this remarkable pound puppy if you are so inclined.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Hoping to pass a bill here in Michigan
I've been as busy as a bee working to help get dogs from the pounds to safety, and even rescued some kitties this week. I have a VERY special new member to our family, but I will introduce you to him later. Right now, I just wanted to share w/ you a video collage that the wonderful people at "Pure Michigan Pets" made to send to Senator Hune here in Michigan. HE is the one person who is holding up the 2 bills that will end gassing in the shelters here in MI. I hope this will do the trick, and make him sign.
Thus far he has refused. :(
It's a really cute video, made up of pets across Michigan asking the senator to sign the bills. My Nelly, Mia, Missy and Itty Bitty are in it and can be seen at 2:37 and 2:38 seconds into the video!
I hope you enjoy seeing all the wonderful animals as much as I did!
Please click on the link below to see the video collage
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Finally, something new from my studio.....
~ Patriotic Crow Pull Toy ~

I just love this Patriotic Pull Toy!! It is my original design, and comes signed and dated.
This piece measures 9" tall, and the crow is 8" long from nose to tail.
This piece measures 9" tall, and the crow is 8" long from nose to tail.
His legs are rusty square head nails, and I've mounted him on a painted and distressed wooden base, which I have painted in a lovely prim mustard color.
Price- $69.00 plus $10.00 Priority Ship
To purchase, please email
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Help for the throwaways.....
Hi everyone! I have been so busy w/ the dog rescue that I hardly have time to even get on my blog and update! I have so much to share with you. Lots of great rescue stories.
I have made it my mission to help the dogs at a gassing pound about 2 hours away from me, and it has kept me busy every single day, as there is no shortage of dogs in need. The idea of dogs being gassed is unacceptable to me, so I have been working as hard as I can to find rescues and shelters to take these dogs that would otherwise end up being put down, by gassing. I have a wonderful group of friends who all work together to get these dogs out of there so they can have a second chance at the life they deserve.
For now, I'm going to share this girl with you, as this is urgent. She is a sweet Mama hound dog at the Branch County Pound in Quincy MI who needs vet care. A rescue will get her out of the gassing pound this evening, but they need help w/ funds, b/c their vet bill is so high. This girl has an eye infection, or possibly something else going on, but one thing is for sure, she needs out of that pound, and into a Vet to be evaluated and treatment started.
Her name is Girl Scout.....and she is so vocal. It's as if she has something to say, and she is trying sooo hard to say it! I think she is saying "save me please", and we are.
If you would like to help Girl Scout, and can spare a small donation toward her care, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so very much!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
what I've been doing.....
I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.....
When the new year rolled around, I vowed to make this year a more productive year. I've needed to stay busy to keep the focus off of my emotional pain. I've been in severe emotional pain since losing my mom in October 2010, and working so hard to heal my broken heart and work through the grief. As those of you who have lost loved ones that you were so close to know, it takes time, plenty of time to really accept the loss, and the void it leaves you with in your life. I knew that finding a purpose, and being productive were key to getting though this loss, but try as I may, I kept spinning my wheels. After my mom died, I didn't even feel like creating, and creating is what I used to enjoy doing so very much, and it allowed me to channel some of my depression, and general sadness that I carried around, but that outlet just was not doin the trick for this overwhelming life change that was mine to own, to feel and to adjust to. UGH! Thinking of it makes me wonder how I have made it through...but I HAVE made it through, and I am feeling some relief.
Many of you know that I have always loved animals, and have that special fondness for dogs. That's how I got my business love for dogs, I just knew my name had to reflect that about my business, and myself.
I used to do rescue and fostering, but I became overwhelmed w/ the sad animal stories, and the sadness felt unbearable. I used to focus on the ones I couldn't help, as there were far too many, and I could not get them off of my mind, and it consumed me, and then the sadness came and I was a mess! I felt somehow that if I was happy I wasn't being fair to the ones who were left behind. It was very hard for me to feel any happiness when I knew there were so many animals suffering and in such horrific conditions. This world is not a nice place, and so much cruelty exists, and at the hands of humans, and the almighty dollar being the motive.
I had to step away from working w/ the animals for awhile, and that's when my creating became front and center stage in my life. That was about 8 yrs ago I believe. My doll making allowed me to poor myself into each creation, and defer all that sadness. Having suffered through this most recent loss, along with other family issues that are beyond my control, I have had to learn to be strong, and with that I am better able to think of things a bit differently now. I have grown.
Now.....I find myself stronger, and better able to cope w/ all the sadness as long as I can do something to help at least one, then I work to focus on the one that IS being saved, and to not dwell so hard on the ones who are not. It's not easy by any means, but it is a start and it is living more productively, and it makes ALL the difference to the ones I am able to help to safety!
Now.....I find myself stronger, and better able to cope w/ all the sadness as long as I can do something to help at least one, then I work to focus on the one that IS being saved, and to not dwell so hard on the ones who are not. It's not easy by any means, but it is a start and it is living more productively, and it makes ALL the difference to the ones I am able to help to safety!
I was never able to go into a shelter to help one, b/c I thought about the ones left behind. Now I do go into the shelter to take the one who would otherwise die. Seeing this first hand is helpful to keep me from turning my back on them all, b/c of not wanting to deal with the pain! I cry with everyone I take out of the shelter and hand over to the rescue. I cry happy tears, and each of them has a place in my heart forever. are a few of the dogs that I have had the honor of being able to help in just the past few months.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you. I know there are so many kindhearted souls out there that are helping the voiceless, and to you I am grateful!
This sweet older beagle girl captured my heart! Seeing this pic of her at the shelter that gasses compelled me to make it my mission to save her! I couldn't stand to see her look so frightened. I was so thankful to find a rescue to agree to take her, so off I went on the 2 hour trip to get her and deliver her to the kind lady at Last Chance Rescue.

THIS little girl started it all for me at this particular pound.

Here is Bonnie Bon-Bon. The animal control officer said she was aggressive and he was not giving her any extra days past her stray hold. The volunteers who help at the pound told me otherwise, and said she was just scared. I was so thankful to find a rescue for her too. I knew the minute I picked her up that she was sweet, and she was.
Here she is pictured w/ the couple who adopted her!
Here she is pictured w/ the couple who adopted her!

These next 2 pics are of "The Joplin Gang". They came from Joplin MO to here in MI and then over the bridge to Canada to a rescue. I was lucky enough to do one leg of the transport. All of them are now in furever homes.
Casey and Zoey
Casey and Zoey

The nest 2 pics are the Southern Belles (Gypsy and Katrina) from NC. They were transported to a rescue here in MI, and I had the privilege of transporting from Toledo to Birmingham MI! They stold me heart!

Anyway, that is what I have been so busy doing, and I am so thankful I am able to do this!
I am still going to get some doll making done in between, so be on the look out for new creations from me.
I am still going to get some doll making done in between, so be on the look out for new creations from me.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
New for TDIPT Mercantile!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Betty gets a furever home!
It seems like just yesterday I went and picked up Betty to foster her, and after just 4 short weeks here, she has found her furever home!!!
I just love these portraits of Betty taken by a wonderful gal named Dee Maggio. She doesn't charge a dime for the foster dogs.
We will be meeting w/ the new family to sign papers tomorrow at 1:00 pm. They have already met her and love her, but tomorrow I will be saying good bye to Betty, and she will go home with them. It is my hope that this sweet girl who has been jossled around way too many times will never ever have to be up for adoption again. I hope and pray this time it's furever.
It's going to be hard to let go of her, but I know she is going to have the BEST life w/ this perfect family!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Meet Betty
She's about 5 yrs old and as sweet as they come! She was found by someone as a stray and no one came forward to claim her. The lady who found her gave her to a "friend" who didn't like that she got into the garbage when he was gone, so he told the lady he was gonna either take her to the pound, or shoot her! Can you imagine someone being so dumb? Ummm, a crate would solve the problem. Anyway, better for her not to be w/ such an ignorant man as that anyway.
She deserves so much more.
She will make someone a wonderful loyal companion. She loves to go for rides, and walks, but most of all she just loves to be petted and have her tummy rubbed! I hope we can find her a great home. I know there is someone out there just waiting for a girl like Betty to make their life complete!
BTW...she loves her crate :)
She deserves so much more.
She will make someone a wonderful loyal companion. She loves to go for rides, and walks, but most of all she just loves to be petted and have her tummy rubbed! I hope we can find her a great home. I know there is someone out there just waiting for a girl like Betty to make their life complete!
BTW...she loves her crate :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Happy New Year ...a few days late :)

I hope everyone is off to a great start for 2012!!! I am, and it is b/c I am pushing myself and I have set strong goals for myself this year.
This is the year of change via productivity! I won't be spending as much time on my blog nor online living my life out in public. It's far too time consuming and not effective for real life. It's time taken away from working, and attending to what really needs to be done here at home.
2011 was spent by me just muddling through. I was empty and sad, as so much has happened, and these changes were difficult and painful to accept, but I did discover that it was the acceptance of these changes that has brought forth some sort of healing for me. Strange isn't it?
It's like a key piece to the puzzle of life was given to me. The unwillingness or inability to accept the changes kept me like a deer in headlights, emotionally paralyzed and unable to really function effectively. Because of this I feel that people who were once a part of my life seemed to have disappeared, they had no idea what I was really going through, and some still have no idea, and that is OK....b/c the ones who have no interest in knowing are the ones who really needed to disappear. They are not true friends to begin with. The fair weathered ones, aka the takers ;)
I'm letting go of the hurt that it caused's about them not me, never was.
Some have their own personal issues that consumed them, and for them I am sorry I was too busy with mine to know. I'm sorry that some couldn't see that. I value the ones who are true and not in the friendship for what they can get out of it, and I hold them close in my heart.
I'm letting go of the hurt that it caused's about them not me, never was.
Some have their own personal issues that consumed them, and for them I am sorry I was too busy with mine to know. I'm sorry that some couldn't see that. I value the ones who are true and not in the friendship for what they can get out of it, and I hold them close in my heart.
For me 2012, is about me, and that is what I am focusing on, then I am better able to be a good friend to those who are truly interested in a friendship that is real. I am going to be a better person in 2012, and I am aiming high to find happiness...true unadulterated happiness, and it begins with me and my acceptance of the things I cannot change.

I wish a peaceful, prosperous year for all!
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