~ Wishing all a Safe & Happy New Year ~
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
anticipa-a-tion is makin me wait.
One of my very good customers/friends is so very thoughtful!
She was kind enough to send a box to me at Christmas. She knows how much I love dogs, and along w/ a few really neat ornies featuring dogs.......

on these yummy all natural Peanut Butter delicacies from the Doggie Bakery

She knew they would be worth the wait.

My Three Stoogettes were all so very patient while I made them sit still for a pic

They love the Peanut butter yum yums!
Thank you dear friend for not only thinking of me, but of my girls.
We think you're
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hope for Hope...an update
Some of you who have opened your hearts and been so very kind as to take an interest in the recovery of Hope (the starving and extremely emaciated dog found in Ohio) by sending in donations have wondered what is going on w/ her now. I knew since you were kind enough to try to help her, of course you would want to know if your donation has helped to make a difference, so I have been emailing the nice people who have taken Hope in and are caring for her to see what progress has been made since we learned of her need, so that I could share w/ you. Below is the response I got from the President of the Animal League
Thank you again for all of your help.
Hello, Thank you for the donation, we are close to having enough, but we have not yet finished out her vet work. She has to get her second treatment done before getting spayed, so I don't yet have a total on her vet care. She is doing well in her foster home, although she is food aggressive with other dogs, which is understandable with her starving.We had a program come forward that would like to take her in, it is a prison program here nearby. She would go into training with them and then go up for adoption. Just check in with me and I can keep you updated.Thanks,Katie----- Original Message -----From: Pkelly306@aol.comTo: info@aplmercer.comSent: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:56:42 -0800 (PST)Subject: my donation for Hope
Thank you again for all of your help.
Hello, Thank you for the donation, we are close to having enough, but we have not yet finished out her vet work. She has to get her second treatment done before getting spayed, so I don't yet have a total on her vet care. She is doing well in her foster home, although she is food aggressive with other dogs, which is understandable with her starving.We had a program come forward that would like to take her in, it is a prison program here nearby. She would go into training with them and then go up for adoption. Just check in with me and I can keep you updated.Thanks,Katie----- Original Message -----From: Pkelly306@aol.comTo: info@aplmercer.comSent: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:56:42 -0800 (PST)Subject: my donation for Hope
Monday, December 15, 2008
And the giving continues....
I'm delighted to say that the giving continues.
My good friend Mo has created a wonderful holiday piece and is offering it on ebay w/ promise to donate 50% of the total to Hope's care! She is a huge animal lover and a kindred sister indeed.
A very special Thank You to all who have donated on my ebay offering, and also, a very heartfelt thank you to 2 more of my wonderful customers who are sending payments to the Animal League to help in Hopes recovery!
Thank you Caroline and Darlene!
These are difficult times for all of us financially, and it is so very kind of you to reach into your wallets and give. Every little bit helps, and again, together we all can and do make a big difference!
Merry Christmas !
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Last Auction for 2008
**Dashing Through The Snow **
~ Helping Hope ~
Here's my last auction of the year. I'm gonna donate 10% of auction total to help that sweet little angel of a doggie "Hope"
She's the one my friend Angie has been telling us all about. Just refer to my previous post to read about her, and see a pic of her, and if you're inclined you can even donate money to the Humane Society. She is nothing but a bag of bones, but in no time at all w/ a little bit of help from many, she should be on her feet, feeling good and looking even better. She's a beautiful girl, just look at those eyes. I think she's a Hound Dog!
Thanks so very much, and Happy Holidays!
2 of my customers have emailed to tell me they are sending a check to the HS for Hopes care !
Thank you Jackie and Marguerite!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Can you help......
Will you help?

Her name is Hope,
and she is in dire need of our help. Angie from Love the Prim Look has made it her mission to try to gather up as many people as possible to help, and through just a little giving from each of us it is possible to save this sweet gals life.

Hope was found terribly emaciated and will die without help. She came in from the Auglaize County Pound and is heartworm positive. A temporary foster has come forward, but the money for her treatment must be raised. If you can help this girl, please donate by clicking here or send a check to
APLMC, P.O. Box 663, Celina OH 45822. Please mark that is it for HOPE!!
Please don't turn away and do nothing. Please help if you can, even if it is just a dollar, it is help. Enough dollar bills can add up to a sizable amount and can make all the difference.
Thank you~
I want to help this poor angel, and I'm going to.
Tomorrow I will be listing my last Christmas set of the season on ebay. I am going to donate a portion of the total sale to Hopes care.

Please check out Sue of oodlekadoodle Primitives, she is donating money from her patterns to help Hope, and also, Peapickers Primitves as well, and please swing by Angie's blog to read more about Hope.
Together we can!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
FUN Times & Christmas Cheer in TDIPT-land!
Oh MY!!!! The members of TDIPT are just finishing up yet another fantastic, best in the prim world swap!
As always we had a blast, and to add even more fun to the mix, it was a Secret Santa Swap, so we didn't know who was sending to us. Well, I did, b/c I am the one who drew the names, but it was a blast watching others try to figure out who was sending. I had my secret gal, and then another gal who joined our group late and not in time to join, so her and I decided to swap w/ one another, and boy, there was just no going wrong! I was just delighted w/ all the goodies I got from Michelle of The Blackberry Briar!

BUT, my very favorite of all was a wonderful handmade Americana Belsnickle. He is wonderful, and I will cherish this treasure forever! How did Tink know I loved Americana?

Just look at this sweet fella! Who could ask for anything better, and boy, up close and personal, her work is perfect!
Thank you Tink, I adore averything!
Next up.....Jamie of Peach Street Primitives!
Well, once again, I hit the mother lode! Jamie is not only a super sweet gal, she is very talented, and she teaches pre-school. I know she has the patience of a saint!

She sent me an old Curier and Ive's tin, w/ some handmade ornies in it. She aslo sent a couple of books, a pumpkin bread mix, and cider too, and of course...candy!

I got a wonderful hardcover book called Old Dogs (I wonder how Jamie knew I loved Dogs?), and I can't wait to read it! Also a neat cookbook.
But, best of all, this sweet little vintage baby shoe that Jamie turned into this darling pinkeep, complete w/ vintage buttons, pins and ribbon. Isn't it gorgeous?
I will cherish this forever as well!
Thanks so much dear Jamie, I love it all!
Now, only a couple of months, and we get to do it all over again ! Hurry SPRING!
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