my eyes were opened and my life forever changed.
A tribute to my Lucky Girl
It wasn't my intention, I didn't plan for my life to change after my encounter w/ a stray black dog. But it did, and profoundly.
She was just a stray black dog, I had seen this countless times in my life before, but this time was different. I had seen this dog walking w/ people along the busy streets just outside of Detroit, and at first I thought to myself "How neat that you can walk your dog w/ no leash on a busy street like this". Then I saw her again, a few days later, same scenerio, same dog, different people.
This time she chose a lady w/ her small children. She looked as if she belonged to them, and I think she wanted to, but she didn't. This time, I had to ask......even though I didn't want to b/c I think I knew the answer, and my thoughts were right. As I circled around again, I noticed the stray black dog drinking out of the mud puddle, and I poked my head out of my car window to ask "Is that your dog?", the young mother said "No, she's just following us". I sighed heavily, b/c I just knew my hope was too good to be true, I knew this dog did not belong to anyone, only desired to. I knew I couldn't just turn away and leave her.
She agreed to take the dog home, as she said her husband had been wanting one, she said. I told her thank you, and I gave her my address and number and told her to call me if she decided not to keep the dog, and I would come get her. I sure didn't know what I would do w/ her, as I already have two of my own at that time.
Well.....a couple of days later, I went by, and they said they could not keep her, she was a sweet dog, the husband would say, and he were certain that she must have been beaten, as she cowered so often. They told me how their little 2 year old girl would carry food around in her hand and the dog never tried to take it from her, she was a good good dog, but she kept going potty in the house, and the young mother had her hands full w/ her own small children. No time to devote to this young stray, and I understood completely.
I went and got my crate, and returned to pick her up. It seemed as if she knew me forever. I had intentions of taking her to the Michigan Humane Society, but instead brought her home to give myself time to think it out. I decided I would take her to my Vet to be sure no worms, and to get her shots.
It was love at first sight, and I don't use the term loosely. I named her...her name would be Lucky, b/c she was. I was going to keep her.
She was such a scared girl, the man was right, someone had mistreated this girl, and left her to fend for herself on the streets. She clung to me, and went everyhere I went. She was easy to potty train, she was one smart dog. But, she was scared, scared outside when she would hear a noise. It made me realize what she must have went through and how scared and lonely she must have been wandering those streets searching for refuge, just wanting to belong somewhere. I knew I had to keep her, I loved her, and I don't mean maybe. She worshiped me, and I knew she knew I had saved her life.
I have never seen more gratitude, it was clear and evident, this dog was thankful for me.
As time went on, I noticed her becoming more and more protective and posessive of me. My hub could not even kiss me goodbye w/out her doing a slight lunge at him. Nothing drastic, but certainly some red flags. All of a sudden out of the blue, Lucky and my Mia began to fight viciously, and I got in the middle of it, and was bit on my thigh. It was horrible. It happened again, this next time w/ my sweet Nelly who was scared of her own shadow. Lucky lunged at her and started to fight. I couldn't have this, it wasn't fair to Nelly and Mia, and my nerves were shot, but I loved her so. How could this creature who was so very gentle w/ a baby be so mean w/ another dog? It made no sense to me. I was forced to contact a rescue. I had never done anything like this before. All I could do was cry, and cry and cry. My love was so strong for this dog, but I could not keep her. I took her to Petsmart for the Adoption Fair, and she was adopted that same day. I wasn't prepared to say goodbye so soon, but I had to. I'll never forget that day, the day I handed the leash to the new owner, and walked away. Lucky's eyes followed me all the way as I walked out of that store as if to say "Where are you going", I knew she didn't understand why I was leaving her, b/c she thought I loved her, and if so, then why was I leaving. Oh, it took me so long to get over her, and my feelings of abandoning her. I would call her new owners, and they would ask me if she had tried to jump the fence at my house, and no, she had not, not once. I knew then she was trying to come back to me. It was heartbreaking for me, and I would wake up in the middle of the night worried about her. No one understood, they tried, but they just could not understand how I could hurt so over a dog.
Like any heartache, time was the only thing that eased my pain. I kept having to remind myself that she would get used to her new home, and she would adapt. And while she may not be treated as good as what I treated her, it was still better, better than what she had before our paths crossed, and my life was forever changed. Better than her wandering the streets wanting to belong. I couldn't give her the beautiful life I felt she deserved, but she certainly was better off.
I still see her occasionally, and she has adapted, and no longer tries to follow me out to my car when I visit. Even her eyes have stopped following me. It's bittersweet, but I am greatful. She has made the transition, she has adapted.
It's been 5 years now, and I have had to put it behind me, and move forward, forward to help others in her situation, looking to just belong.
I am so thankful for our chance encounter. Lucky is responsible for saving so many. Because through her, I have realized the need, the need for me to stop what I am doing and take the time to help. And while I can't save them all (as my Vet tells me), I know that to the ones I can, it makes all the difference.
I'll be sharing more of my foster stories in the future.
I love you Lucky girl!