Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

on these yummy all natural Peanut Butter delicacies from the Doggie Bakery

She knew they would be worth the wait.

My Three Stoogettes were all so very patient while I made them sit still for a pic

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hope for update
Thank you again for all of your help.
Hello, Thank you for the donation, we are close to having enough, but we have not yet finished out her vet work. She has to get her second treatment done before getting spayed, so I don't yet have a total on her vet care. She is doing well in her foster home, although she is food aggressive with other dogs, which is understandable with her starving.We had a program come forward that would like to take her in, it is a prison program here nearby. She would go into training with them and then go up for adoption. Just check in with me and I can keep you updated.Thanks,Katie----- Original Message -----From: Pkelly306@aol.comTo: info@aplmercer.comSent: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:56:42 -0800 (PST)Subject: my donation for Hope
Monday, December 15, 2008
And the giving continues....
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Last Auction for 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Can you help......

Hope was found terribly emaciated and will die without help. She came in from the Auglaize County Pound and is heartworm positive. A temporary foster has come forward, but the money for her treatment must be raised. If you can help this girl, please donate by clicking here or send a check to

Sunday, December 7, 2008
FUN Times & Christmas Cheer in TDIPT-land!

Just look at this sweet fella! Who could ask for anything better, and boy, up close and personal, her work is perfect!
Next up.....Jamie of Peach Street Primitives!
Well, once again, I hit the mother lode! Jamie is not only a super sweet gal, she is very talented, and she teaches pre-school. I know she has the patience of a saint!

I got a wonderful hardcover book called Old Dogs (I wonder how Jamie knew I loved Dogs?), and I can't wait to read it! Also a neat cookbook.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Selling blog
Anyway...I hope to add some small items for sale for the holiday season, so be sure to stop by and check out my new selling blog. :)
Thanks as always and Happy H0lidays!
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Very Special Auction

Pam is a friend and fellow animal welfare advocate, and she has a big big heart. And although she loves all animals, like me, she has a special fondness for dogs. She lives in rural arkansas, and she is always finding unwanteds along side the road, or at peoples homes, and she and her husband will always help, by bringing them home, and finding a shelter to take them in. Anyone who works in animal rescue knows this is not an easy task. Most shelters are full, and are not always eager to take in another animal. It's not that they don't want to, it's that they only have so much room, and limited help, and very limited financial funding. That is why this auction and the charity it represents is so important. So many people love animals, but do not realize that the shelters are so limited in their ability to help b/c of lack of funds, especially in today's economy, the animals and the shelters are really suffering.
Anyway.....if you love dogs, and you've ever lost one, this auction is for you. Perhaps you know of someone who has lost a beloved dog? What a nice gift this would make, and you would be helping out an animal at the same time. Again, I cannot say enough about the quality of Pam's work.
If you're inclined to help for a good cause, then please take a look at this
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Belated to you Mim
Yep, Halloween was my Mim's Birthday, but if she was a witch, she was the Good Witch of the East! We always had a party for her every Halloween, and it was always so much fun to celebrate w/ her! We called her Mim, which is French for Grandma. She was the best Grandma ever, and I do mean ever! Warm, loving, and caring, like all Grandmothers should be.
As a child I spent my weekends and summers at her house, along w/ my cousin who was the same age. I lived for Fridays! I have so many fond memories. She taught us how to sew, and when we were real little she would order little crafts through the mail, and we would always look forward to coming to her house to create whatever she had gotten for us. She enjoyed it as much as we did, and she was so very patient w/ us. She made everything fun!
She loved to reminisce about the old times, and we loved hearing her stories.
Christmas was always spent at Mim and Pip's house, and I just cannot tell you how magical they were. She loved to decorate her house, and it looked like a Christmas Wonderland, w/ those old Putz houses, and twinkling lights, and tinsel, and the blanket of snow on the mantel, oh she had so many decorations, I sure wish I had them now. She bought a Santa suit and stuffed it full and dressed up for us kids. She would make her voice real deep, and I can still hear her say "Ho ho ho!" she was such a kid at heart! She loved RED, and there was plenty of it in her home too. Oh, what I wouldn't give for another Christmas Eve spent w/ her when we were little and she was in good health, when things were so simple, or so they seemed to us.
She always told me that I looked like her when she was little, and now when people see pics of her, they comment on the resemblance.
Here she is on her Wedding Day in 1928, that's my Pip on the left.
And here she is holding my Mother in 1930

Lovely...inside and out! I love you Mim, and I miss you every day.
Monday, October 20, 2008
My latest custom order

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Crown Point, New York and just had to share it!
2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1-1/2 teaspoons pumpkin-pie spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup pumpkin
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup sour cream
3 ounce package cream cheese, cut into cubes
In a large bowl mix flour, sugar, pecans, pumpkin-pie spice, baking powder and salt. In a small bowl mix eggs, pumpkin, sour cream and melted butter. Add to flour mixture. Stir until blended only. Fill greased muffin tins half full. Place cream cheese cube in the middle and top with more batter.
Bake approximately 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven.
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
TDIPT's Dreaming of a White Christmas

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Nunny!

I love my Nelly, she is the oldest of my 3 dogs. She came to us at only a week old. Her eyes were not even all the way open. Her Mommy had been hit by a car, they think. Anyway, she was found in a field full of mosquitos. Some of our friends and neighbors each took a puppy. I took my Nelly to the Vet right away, and he said she was one week old, and we had to bottle feed her round the clock w/ a special puppy formula. We would wrap her in a blanky, and hold her like a baby and feed her w/ the bottle! we even burped her.....hehe!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Danger Will Robinson!!

I love my primitves, but I'll tell ya, I'm not lookin at this piece w/ nearly as much admiration as I once did! In fact, I'm downright scared of it now!
With October soon approaching, I've been doing a bit of Fall decorating, and was eager to get my corn cobs onto this primitive cob dryer for a nice colorful Autumn display.
The dryer is made of heavy iron, and is a bit rusty, but in overall great sturdy shape. The ends of the prongs are sharp like an arrow in order for a fresh ear of corn to positioned on each one and hung to dry. You do have to work at it though, and getting those suckers on there isn't an easy task, especially when your corn is Indian Corn, and already dried, as mine was.
I got a few ears in place, when I was working w/ that one there pictured below. I was pushing and screwing and really working hard to get this one on, and it was particularly difficult, and I wasn't making much headway when all of a sudden, a piece of the cob broke off, and the tip of the sharp metal (and rusty) prong plunged right into the palm of my hand!

At first I felt nothing, then all of a sudden BURN like fire! It is a pretty nasty puncture wound. I realized a bit later that I couldn't recall when I had my last Tetanus shot, so off to the clinic I went.
Needless to say, there it sets, half empty, still needing some cobs added to it, but I'm not feeling the need to today. I'm gonna take a big step back, and give it a couple of days for me to get over the! I think I'll get out the trusty drill and pre-drill the holes in those cobs!
The good news? It's my right hand, and I'm a lefty!
Anyway.....if you've one of these neat prim contraptions.....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Happy Birthday Baby!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Coming Soon.....

Friday, September 12, 2008
Random acts of kindness......
They do belong in the same sentence, don't they?
Last week, I was the "victim" of such a thoughtful act from a friend, a fellow TDIPT sister.
This is not the first time I've fallen victim to such a display of thoughtfulness, (another friend recently was so generous as to send a Petsmart gift cert to help any animals in my area, another sent a piece of her own original artwork, which I treasure, another sent golf hats for my two guys, and there are more...) but certainly this one came out of nowhere and hit me like a tone of bricks! I was blind sided, in a sense.
Many of you know we are in the midst of a swap in our ebay group, so when I received a box last Friday, I thought it must be my swap box. WRONG.....nope it was not, and as soon as I opened it, the note right on top said..."Patty, this is not your swap box"..hehe! It was from my friend Julie of 7 crows hollow , she had heard I sprained my ankle the week before, and as her note would say, she felt I needed some Chocolate!
Inside the box was a little crock filled w/ some of her scrumptious homemade roca candy (sorry, it's g-o-n-e, so no picture). Some of you TDIPTers have been fortunate enough to have tried it, so you know just how special it is! My whole family loves it, and she sent such a generous amount, I was even able to share it w/ my sister who loves it too. Along w/ that was some flavored coffee, tea, and hot cocoa mix!

Julie is a dear, and a very kind hearted soul.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
That's my Story......
I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again and again!
I am so blessed to be part of such a warm and friendly group of talented artists! I have never ever seen such generous giving as what I see in our group during swap time. Each and every swap box that is sent out is so very special, and you can really see that each member puts their all into their gift to their partner.
We're in the midst of our Autumn Swap, and it's a secret swap too, so we don't know who is sending to us. I about fell over when I saw this gigantic box that was delivered by the friendly man in the Big Brown truck, AKA UPS!! When I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes! I love cupboards....all shapes and sizes, but they must be prim! So of course when I saw this beautiful red farmhouse cupboard, it was love at first sight!

It was from none other than the very very talented Jenn of
The Prairie House Primitives!
Not only is she one of the very sweetest gals ever, she's a girl after my own heart b/c she's an animal fanatic, and I like to call her Ellie Mae Clampett, b/c she has so many critters on her ranch! She and her husband, make some of the finest early style prim cupboards you're gonna find anywhere, and they're made from old barnwood, and painted perfectly prim!

As if the wonderful red cupboard wasn't enough, she sent along dog biskies for my 3 girls, and some room spray, goatsmilk soap, and of course...Chocolate!

I couldn't be more pleased, and I can't wait to get it hung in it's permanent spot!
If you're in the market for some fantastic prim furniture, be sure to visit Jenn's website, she has all kinds of goodies for your prim home, and her prices are extremely reasonable! Hop on over to her blog too. You'll love reading about her life on the prairie!
Thanks again dear Jenn!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Auction has begun!

Thanks for your generosity!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
It's almost Auction time

Where will bidding take place?
Bidding will be at Miracles for Mallory, our official website. Click on the bid section of our website to see all the handmade items these talented women have so graciously donated.
When will bidding start & end?
Bidding will start September 7th at 12am and will continue through September 14th midnight.
How will bidding work?
Bidding will be done by email. Click on the "bid" button to email in a bid on that product.WE WILL TRACK ALL BIDS BY ITEM NUMBER.Please include the item number in your subject line when emailing.
This is a silent auction and bidding will remain anonymous, those whom bid will know if they are the highest bidder with a confirmation of bid email from us.
How will shipping work?
We will calculate shipping upon the end of auction and then send out an invoice. If you would like a shipping quote, I can contact the artist or crafter themselves to quote shipping. We have left that up to the artist themselves, some items might be heavy or require special care, please ask upon bidding if you have a shipping question.
~*~ I will be offering complimentary shipping on my donation ~*~
Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008
New For Simply Primitives

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A special thanks to
Carla of Country Road Primitives
Janelle of Little Sisters Dolls
Edna of Plum Thicket Primitives
Ivonne of Folk Art by the Crackling Crow
Again, thank you for thinking of me, and I feel the same way about your blogs!
I have some folks in mind to pass this on to. It's going to be hard to limit though, as there are so many wonderful and interesting blogs to visit! I'm a big fan of so many, and so many deserve a special award just for being so generous as to share their life events.
I must pass it on to:
Peanut of Countryfolk Keepsakes be sure to visit.....she's a delight, and she always has something new and fresh to share!
Mo of Wings and Paws Primitives She loves animals, and is genrous in her donations to help them. I think the world of her!~
Starla of Briar Rabbir Prims she's also a fellow animal lover and does so much for the Pitbull breed, and she is just the sweetest gal ever!
Pam of GoldiLoo Woodworks, she's another animal lover, and a heart of gold. Like so many others, she'll put her own needs aside, to help an elderly person or an animal in need.
Jenn of Prairie House Primitives, who, along w/ her husband, makes thee most wonderful cupboards and cabinets, and she too has a huge heart. I think her name should be Elliemae she and her sweet daughter Riley have taken in so mnay unwanted critters!
Deb of Pilgrims and Pioneers her blog is wonderful.....always a nice prim recipe or history lesson, and she has the best tarts too, let me tell ya!
Jane of Jane Augestein my world in Pictures, just a beautiful blog, w/ happy tails and wonderful scenery.
Now.....for some TDIPT gals who've just started blogging.
Julie of 7 Crows Hollow
Deb of Bittersweet Pastimes
Diane of Tallowberry Primitives
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I'll take ya to the candy shop....
A family of swans has been here for as long as we've been visiting the area, and it was nice to see them this time around.
When we finished walking the pier, we went and had lunch, then bought our goodies at the candy shop. We got back in the car and headed for home, and Zoey was so disappointed to leave.
A few miles down the road, we saw a sign that suggested there was a country store if we turned down the next road. We decided since it was so early still that we would venture out to territory unknown to us, and if nothing else enjoy a nice ride in the country.
After meeting Freeda, Peter and Vera asked if we would like to see their tipi, and of course we said "yes". On our way to the Tipi, Peter gave us the grand tour of their huge back yard! They had grapes, and apple trees, and a nice garden, plum full of maters, corn, peppers, squash, and melons.
We were getting ready to leave (after being there a good hour or more), when Peter called Zoey over to give her something. It's hard to see in the pic, but it was a flower he had made from a big stick, and some tin, a make-do of sorts!
These were just the nicest people ever! I can't say enough about them, and this really made Zoeys day! Here we thought we were just gonna visit a prim shop, and it ended up being soooo much more. It was an adventure in itself, and unplanned one, and one we never would have experienced had we not ventured off the beaten path!
Thank you for a most splendid afternoon Vera and Peter!